dimanche 10 février 2013

Hawth’s Tools – Free Tools for Spatial Analysis

Hawth’s Analysis Tools provides a suite of solutions for tasks common in spatial analysis. Specifically developed for ecological studies, these tools can be used in any application for analyzing spatial data. They extend (and in some cases simplify) core ArcGIS functionality that is not available out-of-the-box. The extension consists of more than fifty tools that cover a broad range of analysis types including analyzing, sampling, and editing vector as well as raster data, and tools for common operations in tables and CSV files. All tools and descriptions can be found here:

Tool Descriptions

Analysis Tools
Intersect Point Tool
Distance Between Points (Within Layer)
Distance Between Points (Betw. Layer)
Count Points In Polygons
Polygon In Polygon Analysis
Sum Line Lengths in Polygons
Line Raster Intersection Statistics
Enumerate Intersecting Features
Line Metrics
Sampling Tools
Create Random Selection
Random Selection Within Subsets
Generate Random Points
Generate Regular Points
Conditional Point Sampling Tool
Create Vector Grid (lines/polygons)
Create Sample Shapes (various shapes)
Generare Random 3D Points
Animal Movements
Create Minimum Convex Polygons
Calculate Movement Parameters
Convert Locations To Paths
Convert Paths to Points
CRW Simulation I
CRW Simulation II
Kernel Tools
Fixed Kernel Density Estimator
Batch Fixed Kernel Density Estimator
Percent Volume Contour

Raster Tools
Clip Raster
Clip Raster By Polygons
Landscape Characterization (fast)
Extract Raster Edge
Thematic Raster Summary (by polygon)
Zonal Statistics ++ (by polygon)
Spatial Replace Tool
Maximum Grid Separation Tool
Cellular Automata (1D x Time)
Grid Spread (Cellular Automata)
Raster Pixel Type Conversion
Table Tools
Add Area Field To Table
Add Length Field To Table
Add XY To Table
List Unique Values
Sum Values
Delete Multiple Fields
Add XY Line Data (creates line layer)
CSV Management Tool
Vector Editing Tools
Create Buffers (Retain Attributes)
Vector Rotation and Shifting Tool
Snap Points To Lines Tool
Intersect Lines (Make Points)
Split Vector Layer By Unique Value Field
Specialist Tools
River Sample Extraction
Point Redistribution Tool
PLSS Point Finder
Julian Day Lookup

Other Tools
Digitize XY Coordinates

The tools run on ArcGIS 9.x at the ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo license levels. *These tools do not support on-the-fly projection changes, so it is important that tools that use more than one input layer have the same projection.


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